Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Apple of Their Eye

Apple is one of the most popular and recognizable technology brands, if not the most popular among society. The releases of new iPhones and MacBooks captivate anyone who needs to get work or projects for school done, or even to just fool around with the features that come with it such as FaceTime and Garage Band. 

Being the massive technology giant they are comes with consequences, and big mistakes lead to a wide rift between company and consumer. Apple has been accused of listening to their users conversations, under the guise of Siri, in order to help improve the function. 

While the intentions may have been good, Apple failed to notify their customers of their doings and consequentially got caught in a big scandal due to this. Reassuring their customers that privacy is their number one priority after the iPhone 6s incident in 2015, Apple issued an apology as well as reasoning behind the microphone scare. Claiming everything recorded stays local to the device, as well as stating if not used information gets deleted, Apple was able to ease many of its customer's minds. 

Many conspiracy theorists however still go through the effort to deactivate their microphone and camera until they allow it, with many people nowadays covering the camera feature on their laptops with stickers or band aids to further ensure their privacy is protected. An article that goes deeper into this detail can be found here.

To go further into this topic, we could delve deep into the theories that the government is watching us through our technology, although that would be a much longer and in depth post. I would then direct you to Snowden, filmed in 2016, which is a film all about government interference with our technology.

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