Thursday, October 24, 2019

Society's Watchdog

The watchdog role that society possesses allows us to check the power that the government has through watching and criticizing what they do. We have protection to criticize the government due to our First Amendment rights, giving us the freedom to speak out against the actions and policies that they may introduce as we see fit. 

I feel that out of the eight values, this watchdog role is the most important because if we are not allowed to criticize the government, they are just going to keep gaining power and make choices for themselves instead of the country and the citizens who inhabit it. Also, by voicing our opinions we are able to express our disproval of choices they make for the country, potentially turning over a new leaf and encouraging the government to change their opinions on certain topics, such as same-sex marriage. 

This value is also inspiring to society since it urges society to speak up and out, join marches or protests, and allows everyone's opinion to be seen by others. This also makes this value meaningful, supporting and respecting each individual's opinion. Of course this doesn't come without backlash, with the explosion of social media allowing everyone to make comments on other's opinions oftentimes arguing with someone they may not know over their specific beliefs and values they think are right for everyone.

This watchdog value and the above information can also be tied to the safety valve or stable change value, allowing people to voice their opinions both supporting and dissenting others views on a topic. Everyone has their own views and opinion on subjects such as abortion, same-sex marriage, and gun laws, all of which are very hot topics prevalent in today's society. By allowing society to voice their opinion, nothing is held back or hidden and everything is put on the table to examine, both by the government and other members of our culture. 

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